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There’s a reason you landed on this page.

This is where people end up when things start falling apart.

And rightfully so.

Because it’s also where you start piecing life back together.


Sometimes, rock bottom isn’t obvious.

Maybe there was no bombshell, no job loss, no diagnosis, no divorce.

But what’s worse than the obvious shake-ups, is the unexplained spirit fatigue.

The exhaustion. The suppressed sadness. The rage. The hopelessness. Confusion.

Does imagining a future of “more of the same” in your life and career feel depleting? Soul-sucking, even?

Do you find yourself feeling disconnected from your life and your work in the world? Maybe even your loved ones?

Questioning your life and your purpose and your relationships?

Or are you facing a transition that blindsided you and has you wondering, “how did I get here? And where the hell do I go now!?”

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You’re not alone! And you’re in the right place!


I’m Dr. Ben Goldman, and for decades, I was a successful agent of change—

Professional, organizational, and societal change, influencing everything from a supreme court ruling to a presidential executive order—before it all came crashing down.

I was a “hacker” (before that was a term), mining “big data” (before that was a term) to expose governmental and corporate mendacity.

After running several organizations, I became known as a turn-around specialist and traipsed across occupational boundaries as if they didn’t exist, working in technology, the environment, and the arts. Who’s Who lists me as a statistician, author, and artist. My doctorate is in public administration, specializing in risk analysis, but I also invented a patented consumer product that was sold to the Museum of Modern Art. My paintings have been exhibited in 33 cities throughout the world.

Now before you think I’m sharing all that to brag, keep reading


After three decades of outwardly focused efforts, it happened: total burn-out. I had to walk away from my last executive position. Problems with staff, board, funding, politics got the best of me… and then my marriage fell apart. I was defeated, depleted, and desperate.

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There was nothing left I wanted to do. I couldn’t sleep. My savings were mostly gone. I hadn’t been on a date in 30 years. I felt old, tired, stupid and guilty. A washed-up has-been.

Luckily, just before things cracked, my executive coach tricked me into going to a workshop about personality. The ruse: it would help me manage the employees that were driving me bonkers.

And thank goodness he did! That workshop started me down the path of personal development, which gave birth to the Wild Call Weekend and the meaningful life I now live!


You name it,

I've probably done it:

• embodying a black panther during Holotropic Breathwork

• sweating in a Death Valley vision fast

• meditating for weeks on end

• studying with mystics and high-performance experts

• attending couple’s therapy, men’s retreats, and much, much more….

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Meanwhile, I’m raising two kids, one of whom has recently undergone such traumatic and unexpected changes that everything else seems like preparation just for that.

And, let’s not forget, I’m still living in the “real world.”

I’m happy AND successful. I do work that I’m passionate about AND that fills my bank account. I feel good about who I am AND who I’m not.

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But, most importantly, I understand my place in the world, and know what I want to do with my one wild and precious life!

Do you want this too?

Your Best and Most Meaningful Life is a Journey!

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Yet so many of us get caught up in the destination!

Get to 6 figures!!

Or make a million dollars!!!

Become partner in your firm!

Publish a best-selling book!

But then what?

And at what cost!?!?!

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If you are like many people, you’ve invested ALL of yourself into building the life you thought you wanted. You’ve made the “necessary” sacrifices to get to where you wanted to go.

And then you got there, but it didn’t feel like you thought it would… or maybe it cost you more than you were prepared to lose.

Contentment, satisfaction, and joy were short lived. Followed almost immediately by feelings of:




“This can’t be all there is!”

Sure, you can quantify your success by counting the number of people you’ve served… and that brings a fleeting smile to your face. But the deep, sinking, abyss of “now what” still threatens to take you down.

If you’re feeling any (or all) of the above, then a Wild Call Weekend is the ticket for your breakthrough and renewal.

Answer the Call!

Take the Journey back to YOU!

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Can you hear it? Your truth is calling! And it’s time to answer the call and truly listen!

We’ve all been there. Overloaded with duties at work and home, we find ourselves pulled in several directions at once.

Our lives are busy, but we’re operating on auto-pilot, saying yes to the things we’d rather say no to...feeling more and more depleted, dissatisfied, and powerless with each passing day.

These feelings are here for a reason! They’re a call to WAKE UP!

To Change!

And to reconnect with your TRUTH before it’s too late!!

Because no matter how far down the rabbit hole you’ve fallen, it’s never too late to start living a life of purpose, meaning and fulfillment!

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But in order to do this, you must give yourself a significant break. Not just a morning yoga class, meditation app, or a luxurious weekend away, but real time to disconnect from everyday responsibilities and reconnect with your inner self.

With your body

Your spirit

Your deepest instincts

Your innate and powerful connection to nature and creation.

And THAT is what the Wild Call Weekend is all about!

Nature is the Answer to the Call of Your Wild and Wonderful Soul!


This three-day experience in the beautiful Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania is specifically for busy entrepreneurs and urban professionals looking for a profound way to reconnect and restart utilizing the Nature Breakthrough Method™.

This is not a weekend at the spa!

And it’s not for the faint of heart!

This is a powerful, transformational weekend of “roughing it” that will help you find your bearings, answer the call, and emerge renewed, re-inspired and reconnected to the life you were meant to live.

No catered meals or fancy rooms.

I’m taking you back to basics.

And it’s just what you need!

Here’s what to expect:

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We’ll gather in the beautiful Pocono Mountains at 9 am on a private 62-acre estate with giant oaks, a sunny field, freshwater pond, and the gurgling Pohopoco creek for a healthy breakfast and a day of discovery.

We’ll start the day in a circle of peers orienting ourselves to the Four Directions, and end the day with a giant firelight ceremony to send you off into the woods.

This first step in the Nature Breakthrough Method™ works on your body, mind, heart, and spirit. It teaches you how to listen to the harmonics of your true nature in nature, prepares you for the “disorientation” of day 2, and includes three nutritious meals and surprise gifts.



This threshold experience is the core of your breakthrough. As with every traditional rite of passage, an ordeal is at the heart of it.

Today, you will observe the Three Taboos: no food, no shelter, no contact. You’ll lose the normal rhythm of your day; it’s just you, nature, and time.

This experience is designed to be super-effective, efficient, and safe. You’ll also experience what the Japanese call shinrin-yoku, a forest bath, with myriad proven health benefits such as lowering blood pressure and stress.

And, believe it or not, fasting will help focus your experience and adds to the magic. We take care of every other detail for you, including water, tent, safety, and any special accommodations you may need.

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After the deep and transformative “Disorientation” experience of day two, it’s time to reorient!

You’ll return to camp by 9 am to break your fast, share your visions, and be witnessed deeply in a safe container of newly skilled listeners like yourself. The mirroring process will help you amplify and clarify the mysteries you encountered during your dream time alone in the woods.

We’ll lunch and relax in the sun, water, air, and land. You’ll also receive the Two Names that memorialize The One you’ve become.

Day three isn’t the “end”, it’s just the beginning: your Ground Zero integration of the answers needed to blast-off into your own future. By 5pm you’ll be on your way home with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity.

What People Are Saying:

The experience for me had a huge transformative effect. That weekend unleashed my pure creativity. After years of struggling with my partner’s illness, huge financial burdens, bringing up my beautiful adopted daughter knowing she was going to lose her daddy and working full time with an incredibly toxic boss... it was bloody tough!

But now I can say that single weekend gave me the strength to change everything in my life. I moved to Harlem where my rent is lower, and I live with beautiful kind people. My daughter has a fresh new life and is at a great new school and her memories of her daddy are true & beautiful. I no longer have a toxic boss (she was let go).

But more importantly, I cannot stop painting, I have had so many commissions that I’ve turned my financial position around. I have cash to spare for the first time in my life... which means I can save for my daughter’s college fund, take her on exotic vacations, etc., etc.

I’m fearless... there is something inside of me that is so exciting... I have unleashed what is true and genuine to me... my passion for painting and my love of life.
— Rachel R., New York City



Wild Call Survival Kit

$500 VALUE

Special tools to use during the weekend to maximize your experience.


Your Wild Call Survival Kit is a customized backpack stuffed with sorcery (why yarrow stalks?), emergency equipment (just in case), and personal items (we make it easy for you).




special Pandemic offer

  • ALL TICKETS: $297 (80% off the original price for “normal” times).

  • EVENTS TAKE PLACE EITHER IN PERSON OR ONLINE. August will be in person. September may either be in person or the first and last days will be video-conference calls. The middle day will be a self-isolation vision fast (36-hour or day-long) that can be done anywhere in nature, including the option of coming to our private estate in the Poconos where we’ll observe staggered entry and exit times, strict social distancing and masks, and no food, indoor access, or other services. You’ll bring your own supplies. We’ll provide a list of what you’ll need, a scaled-down Wild Call Survival Kit with a few goodies, and a sacred holding space for your solo work.




I am so confident that the Nature Breakthrough Method™ will be powerfully transformative and effective for you, that I will refund 100% of your investment (travel excluded) if you attend all three days of the Wild Call Weekend and don’t have clarity on your next step.

Choose your date for renewal, rejuvenation, REBIRTH!


Events take place rain or shine (packing list will be provided and teaching may be indoors and dryer is available if necessary). 

Volunteer positions are available. 

Contact Dr. "Wild" Ben Goldman at or 201-232-6141.